Our Schools
Aragon Primary School
Aragon Primary School is a very popular three-form entry school set in spacious grounds on the border of Merton and Sutton. It has 630 pupils and a thriving Nursery. Its motto is "To be the best we can be!" and it tries to create as many opportunities as possible for children to show responsibility and contribute to society. It believes in a broad and deep curriculum which is truly inclusive, so all children reach their potential and a love of learning is fostered. Mrs Clare Ryder has been Headteacher at Aragon since September 2021.
To View the Admissions Arrangements at Aragon.
Glenthorne High School
Glenthorne High School is a thriving, oversubscribed, highly successful school with an excellent reputation and a long and rich history in the local community dating back to 1933. It is an 11-19 mixed comprehensive Academy with 1730 pupils, of whom 350 are in the 6th Form. Its motto is "Achievement for All" and it strives to meet the needs of pupils across the fully ability spectrum. Dr Sarah Peacock has been Headteacher at Glenthorne since September 2021.
To View the Admissions Arrangements at Glenthorne.
Abbey Primary School
Abbey Primary School is a very popular two-form entry school set in Morden. It has 430 pupils and a sought-after Nursery. Its motto is "Opening Windows of Opportunity" and it nurtures a love of learning and provides opportunities by consciously planning to create memorable moments for its pupils both within the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities. Mrs Andrea Stirling Williams has been Headteacher at Abbey since September 2021.
To View the Admissions Arrangements at Abbey.
Sutton SCITT
Kate Potts - Sutton SCITT Director
An Outstanding Local Provider With A National Reputation. The Willow Learning Trust was accredited a SCITT in June 2014 and has since developed a highly successful Initial Teacher Training Programme which has trained over two hundred primary and secondary teachers. Sutton SCITT has an excellent reputation and has been judged as 'outstanding' by Ofsted in both its inspections in 2017 and 2021.