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What we can offer your school when you join the Willow Learning Trust

  • Bespoke pedagogical and curriculum support from a team of experts.
  • Collaborative planning opportunities for a high quality curriculum.
  • Expert, professional financial, human resources and IT provision.
  • Comprehensive support for premises management and better value procurement due to economies of scale across the Trust. •Support for school Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs) and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) to keep abreast of statutory requirements.
  • A collaborative, supportive approach to working with LGBs and governor representation on Trust Committees.
  • Support from the Sutton SCITT with its rich knowledge and understanding of pedagogy and educational research.

Most importantly, the Willow Learning Trust is a small Trust at the start of its journey, so it will also be an opportunity to influence and shape its future direction.


We welcome the opportunity to sponsor Academies in our Trust:

  • In addition to the support we provide for all Willow Learning Trust schools, we will support Sponsored Academies with our Willow Learning Trust curriculum and schemes of work until standards and capacity are sufficiently developed.
  • We will apply for government funding for academisation and to support school improvement.

Glenthorne High School Logo

Aragon Primary School Logo Abbey Primary School Logo

Sutton SCITT Logo