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  • Opal Gold Award

    Published 01/10/24

    We are delighted to announce that Aragon Primary has achieved the prestigious Opal Gold Award! OPAL was set up in 2020 to improve the quality of play in English primary schools and to ensure that every schoolchild has an amazing playtime every day with no exceptions.

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  • Bulb Planting in Sutton Common Park: Monday 27th November 2023

    Published 29/11/23

    As part of Glenthorne’s programme of community action, thirty intrepid students headed to Sutton Common Park to work with Dawn Fielding, the London Borough of Sutton’s Project and Volunteer Coordinator, to plant daffodils in the park. After a brief lesson on how to plant the bulbs, Dawn distributed the tools for the job and the students got to work! The students were quick learners and enjoyed the physical work; they did a fantastic job planting 750 bulbs in the park. They even managed to avoid the rain!


    Dawn was keen to work with the students again on other volunteering activities in other green spaces in Sutton.


    The students also met representatives of “Friends of Sutton Common Park” who were also present and carrying out their Autumn bulb planting programme in the park – they were delighted to have the help and support of a group of such enthusiastic and willing helpers!

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  • The Willow Learning Trust Digital Project

    Published 25/07/23

    Schools at the Willow Learning Trust have been working on a Digital Project to enhance collaboration, integrate technology to make learning more engaging and to create digitally literate pupils.

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  • Year 6-Year 7 English Transition Unit – ‘Romeo & Juliet’

    Published 20/07/23

    Since Aragon joined the Willow Learning Trust in August 2017, subject leaders have been working collaboratively to align their English curricula across KS2 and KS3.

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  • The Queen Elizabeth II Wing at Glenthorne High School

    Published 20/07/23

    The Queen Elizabeth II Wing at Glenthorne High School, named in honour of our late Queen, has just been completed and is now in use.

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  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

    Published 14/07/23

    Raising awareness and practical skills to ensure SCITT trainees can support DEI in schools

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